wondering. Just so we’re clear from the start – I don’t live in an
igloo, I don’t say ‘aboot’ or ‘eh’, it’s a roof, not a ruff, and it’s
called a toque (a friend from California told me that many Americans
call them beanies. Beanies have propellers on them). Now that some
cultural stereotypes are out of the way…
I graduated from film school in ’04 and no longer use that degree, I
have a passion for seeing people become who they really are under it
all, and I love doing so all over the world. I like to take things on
without an agenda, and so I’m quite comfortable making up a plan as I
go, especially in unfamiliar places. Movies, music, any medium of story
telling, and foods of any and every type are my things. I’ve loved
missions since my first trip to Mexico in 2000, and since then God has
continually called me to all different places around the world. Islamic
cultures still intrigue me the most of all I’ve worked with.
A few fast facts about me:
- I’m a geek and proud of it
- I have 2 younger sisters, 2 nephews, and a brother in law
- I dabble in guitar
- When I start writing I find it hard to keep something short
- I’m horrible with languages: I failed french, and after living
in Spain for 8 months I can (sort of) order food in a restaurant, that’s
it - Food is where the culture is at, so I eat most anything once, and there are few things so far I haven’t eaten twice
- Veggie-mite is something I won’t eat a second time
Some foods just aren’t meant to be foods, like Veggie-Mite. You know I never heard of that other word you used for beanies. Although I think it would be awesome to see someone with a beanie with a propellor on the top. lol. I’m glad you said where you were from is canada because I don’t know I could’ve connected that BC was British Columbia at first (seriously, I figured it would’ve been some state I haven’t been to). Well I’m sure I’ll get to chat with you more in Tennessee.