I am so excited to be joining the New Orleans team. God has great things planned for this summer, and I am thrilled to be a part of His work in this city.
My husband, Spencer, gave a nice introduction to our family. As he mentioned, we will be serving in New Orleans for the first half of the summer. Our children are excited about returning to a mission field and Jonathan has been dragging his suitcase around the house. Trinity was glad to hear that people in Louisiana speak English and that this trip would not include leaning a new language. I am very thankful for that as well.
I am in the last few weeks of my first year of teaching. I teach first grade in a small Christian school made up of almost 100% minorities. I wish that I was able to come to training, but with it being the last full week of school that is not possible. I am thankful that Spencer will be able to go and participate.
I look forward to getting to know you very well in the next few weeks.
Wow! This picture is huge. I am not sure why mine is so much bigger than everyone else’s. I may have missed the resize image step somewhere.