Hi there,
My name is Lydia Camden and I’m very excited to be
going on this mission adventure! I am 24 years old and currently living in
Olney, a small town in southeast Illinois.
My husband and I moved here when we felt God calling us to serve as members in
a church here. My parents are ministers and as a child we moved around quite a
bit. I have limited mission experience, except in serving as a missionary where
ever I am. I do my best with the help of the Holy Spirit to serve My Lord no
matter what I am doing.
I don’t really remember not believing in Jesus and
God. I remember talking to Jesus as a very young child like He was in the room
with me (which He was). I was baptized when I was seven, and as a teenager I
sought out time with my Savior on a regular basis. In college, I struggled some
with balancing my life with my faith, but I also grew because of the challenges
I faced. I also became more aware of the power of the Spirit and how much Jesus
really does love me. Without Him I know that I would have and be nothing. But
in Him, I am a daughter of the King,
and He loves me more than I know. This summer I am looking forward to seeing
God move in a mighty way in many lives. I hope to learn more about leadership
and missions work. I am also looking forward to meeting so many new people and
sharing the love of Jesus with all of them!