This weekend we spent an incredible four days in the mountains of Tennessee training to Project Leaders, Support Staff, Worship Leaders, Ministry Coordinators, and Summer Interns. In all, 52 participants attended, which was held alongside the first few days of a World Race training.
All of the summer staff for our Marquis locations (the Ministry Coordinators, Summer Interns, and some Worship Leaders and Support Staff), left to immediately begin their summers on the field in Haiti, NOLA, NYC, Chicago, Appalachia, and Alabama. Please pray for them as they travel, settle in, and begin ministry!
For everyone else who attended and are continuing their training process in shadowing, being coached, and/or going as Support Staff/Worship Leaders- we are praying for you as well! We can’t wait to hear what God does in and through you on the field!
Thank you to everyone who came! It was so great to meet you, worship with you, and serve you!
Here are some pictures from the weekend: