My name is Greg. I was born in raised in Yuba City, CA. I haven’t always been a Christian, and I first came to know Christ after I graduated high school in 2005. My cousin invited me to go to youth group with him one night, and something started to change. Before I started going to youth group I was a Muslim, and I later became baptized a Christian after an encounter with Jesus that I won’t ever forget. For the first time in my life, I felt as though truth was being presented to me.
Since becoming a Christian my walk hasn’t been perfect, but it’s constantly moving forward. I will be attending Point Loma Nazarene University in the fall semester for the first time, obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry. God has called me to become a pastor and a missionary. I know that one day God will lead me to Germany to preach to the incoming muslim population from Turkey that is rapidly growing.
Needless to say my life is completely different because of Christ.
I am a huge outdoors fan, and love doing any and all activities outside. I am a hunter; fisherman; camper; biker; motorcycle enthusiast; rollerblader; canoe operator; boat driver; and whatever else you can think of outside. I like mechanics and knowing how things work. One of my fun projects was building a demolition derby car for the Sutter County Fair.
The great thing about Sutter County is that there are four major rivers nearby, six major lakes, and tons of wooded areas. It is a great place to live, and a great place to witness the majesty of what God has created and not the concrete walls man has designed (although I used to work with concrete for a living so I can’t complain too much).
I am so excited to be apart of this internship for the simple reason of being able to serve the people God created. It’s so hard even at home to just pass by a homeless man on the street corner when two hundred feet down there is another one on another corner. but they just aren’t homeless, they are people with lives and stories, so much to offer. They need God in their life. To know that there is always someone who loves them. It’s going to be so awesome to be able to devote ten weeks to making sure that I don’t pass any person God may want to encounter by.